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The Logo of this Association was created by Chiara Mensa, great-granddaughter of Luigi Vittorio Ferraris and daughter of Marina Petteruti Romano, one of the Founding Members and granddaughter of the Ambassador.

The acquaintance between Chiara and Luigi Vittorio, albeit brief for reasons of age, shines through in the creation of a Logo that reflects in synthesis Luigi Vittorio's love of books, read and written, and his passion for Diplomacy to which the Ambassador sought to bring young students of all backgrounds closer, in respect and defense of human rights and collaboration among peoples.

The supporting structure of the Logo encloses the three letters LVF of the Ambassador's name, and develops vertically and horizontally. Vertically with the interplay of the empty and full of the characters L and V, which give a glimpse into the L the shaft of a fountain pen, which is drawn in Vittorio's V. Pair of these two vertical letters contrasted with Ferraris's horizontally unfolding F to represent the openness to others manifested by the Ambassador in his character always open to human relations.

Thus we have the vertical of diplomacy supporting the horizontal of society. That is, the strength of diplomatic action, expressed through treaties and written books of which the Ambassador has often been the author and co-author, in the cooperation acting at the international level to achieve good among Peoples.


The round badge inscribing the Logo is surrounded by the inscription “Association of Friends of Luigi Vittorio Ferraris,” to represent a globe, as an expression of the international character of the thought and work carried out by the Professor and so dear to him. Finally, the colors red and white to recall the family banner kept in the country villa in Vaccarile in the Marche region of Italy.

Chiara Mensa

Great-granddaughter of the Ambassador Luigi Vittorio Ferraris and daughter of Marina Petteruti Romano

Born in Rome, she received a five-year single-cycle degree “EU Architecture” (B. arch equivalent) from the University of Rome “ La Sapienza” in 2012.

After a career in several design studios in England and Australia, she founded Hyphae, an independent design consultancy focused on eco-friendly visual design with a focus towards more sustainable and ethical products, activities and businesses, in the field of web.


Since 2022, Chiara has decided to redirect her career to pursuing her true passion, establishing herself as an independent artist and specializing in creating prints through linoleum etching.



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