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Bandiere dei Paesi

Luigi Vittorio Ferraris

Luigi Vittorio Ferraris (Rome, March 20, 1928 - Senigallia, November 13, 2018) was an Italian diplomat, Councillor of State and Professor. Grandson of Luigi Felice (1913-1900), Senator of the Kingdom of Italy, and Count, he was the son of Luigi Angelo
(1887-1966), politician and essayist, and Maria Croce (1898-1985). The family is originally from Sostegno (Biella).


First Years

1928 - 1945

Pila di libri

University and beginnings

1945 - 1952

Bandiera dell'Unione Europea

Start of the Diplomatic Career

1952 - 1962


The Venezuelan Period

1963 - 1967


Helsinki and the CSCE

1967 - 1980

Edificio del Reichstag

The German Period

1980 - 1987

Another filter 😁_edited.jpg

State Council

Image by Aaron Burden

Family life


The University Career

Image by Aaron Burden


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